Please see attached 2022 Consumer Confidence Report. Our water department has done many things to ensure a high level of service and water quality. This should be noted in times where we have seen nitrates become a non-issue to lead and PFAS coming to the forefront of media/community attention.

Our system does have a small amount of lead components and we continue to monitor and take action to remove it. PFAS are present and will see changes at the Federal and State level for pending regulations. It is difficult to react until EPA and WDNR provide more guidance on PFAS. We are not alone in this. There are a number of communities dealing with these same issues. Overall, we feel we have a good handle on the situation and will continue to strive to provide safe drinking water to all in the Waupaca area.

If the public has questions, please direct them to our website, water department, or myself. The attached report can be printed and shared as well. We are required to notify the community as part of WDNR compliance. As usual, I will follow through with the notification process and this report will be available at many places.

Thank you,

Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works

City of Waupaca
111 S. Main Street ● Waupaca, WI 54981

Released By:

City of Waupaca
City of Waupaca
111 S Main St, Waupaca WI 54981


Justin Berrens